Digy-Smart Hotel Room Automation
Main Features and Pros :
- Enables to control the light of your room from one point by touching the Stylish Touch Panel.
- Capability to display and control following modes: heat, cloud, entrance and balcony doors, clean or dnd (do not disturb).
- Dimming all lights with dimmer function.
- Get an easy functioning of whole room’s weak current system in new construction and renovation projects by connecting just 1 plug to 1 PLC.
- No need for door lock battery anymore. Bind online lock to door lock system and start to adjust the doors. Compatible to all electronic door locks.
- Include interconnecting rooms to the system, so guests can unlock an interior door by pressing one button. An authorization can be installed for one or both rooms.
Hotel Room Door Screen
- RGB Lighting Room Display
Availability Icons ( room digits: green light -free, red – occupied ). Two detectors determine availability status. Guest never gets disturbed ( by not entering the room, housekeeping, minibar or technical services can be aware of the guest is in or out of the room. Front Office Department is able to follow the status of guests from software.
- DND – Cleaning Light ( Housekeeping Department is aware if a guest needs a cleaning service ).
- RFID card or NFC Mifare door access control. The door panel is connected to door lock and system available in the software. Also, the battery is not needed.
- Unlock doors with Mifare cards or bracelets, also integrate with your previous e-lock.
- Door Bell ( bell rings only inside of the room. Moreover notify guest about your coming by not disturbing neighbor-rooms).
Advanced Security and Comfort Advantages
- Follow Extreme Heat and Smoke from web-based-software.
- When a safe box password is dialed by someone besides primary guest, centralized software sends an alarm notification to responsible staff and the alarm panel starts to beep.
- Cleaning, Minibar and Technic Staff do not need to ring the bell before entering the free room.
- No “Housekeeping Yell” in corridor anymore. Start with free room and save time.
- Check notification feature – when the motion does not occur in the room longer than 12 hours.
- Alarm Notification to prevent unauthorized entry (from the balcony ).
- An easy way to set up and deactivate MasterKeys. You do not have to check all the rooms for the lost MasterKeys.
Door Lock Integration
With the support of the door lock on its hinges which is connected to the exterior door panel and without replacing the current electronic door lock, it is possible to control the lock circuit. So your door functions without a battery and connected to the centralized system.
- Flexible online MasterKey system ! Remotely set up or deactivate MasterKeys.
- Lock/unlock any door via centralized software, moreover cancel or prolong the keycard.
Guest Keycard can be extended while room change or extending the guest’s stay.
Remotely change Room Number